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Business Communication provides a practical framework for students and demonstrates how communication functions in today's business environment.

Business Communication provides a practical framework for students and demonstrates how communication functions in today's business environment.


  • Reflection boxes help to develop students' critical thinking and encourage class discussion
  • Contemporary issues boxes stimulate discussion on ethics and technology-related matters
  • Practical exercises and self-evaluation questions give students the opportunity to apply what they have learnt.

1Origins of language
2Communication theory
3Organisational communication
4Interpersonal communication in the workplace
5Reading for academic purposes
6The writing process
7Academic writing and referencing
8Business writing
9Stakeholder communication
11The listening process
12Oral presentation
14Conflict and negotiation
15The dynamics of business communication
The book is pitched at an introductory level and is suitable for first year students at both universities and universities of technology.
Business Communication - PowerPoint Slides
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Business Communication - Template Bank
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Business Communication - Question Bank
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BBusiness Communication - Solutions Manual
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  • Business Communication

The specification in this catalogue, including without limitation price, format, extent, number of illustrations, and month of publication, was as accurate as possible at the time the catalogue was compiled. Due to contractual restrictions, we reserve the right not to supply certain territories.