Developed especially for the TVET student at N6 level, Succeed in Personnel Management N6 provides students with the necessary theoretical knowledge to write their exams and the practical application to enter the workplace confidently.
- Local Examples and Case Studies link theory to industry and bring the content to life.
- Focus on plain language with difficult words defined where they are used and a glossary at the back on the textbook.
- Learning outcomes are listed at the start of each chapter and reviewed again in summary form at the end of the chapter for students to use when studying.
- Power Break activities allow for class discussion and revision.
- Assessment questions at the end of each chapter provides test and exam practice.
Part 1: Motivation
1Importance of motivation
2Motivation theories
3Motivational strategies
Part 2: Communication
1Meanings and definitions of communication
2Communication effectiveness
3Communication structures
4Individual differences and communication
Part 3: Group dynamics
1Group development and structure
2Group effectiveness
3Group cohesion
4Influence in groups
5Cooperation and competition
Part 4: Leadership
1Approaches to leadership
2Leadership styles
3Decision-making in the work practice
Part 5: Information systems and graphic representations for managing human resources
1Computerised information systems
2Spreadsheets and graphic representations
Lecturers and students in Vocational colleges in the Human Resources stream.