Companies and other Business Structures in South Africa, fourth edition, offers a clear and practical introduction to the law relating to companies, close corporations, business trusts, partnerships and financial markets. The fourth edition is comprehensively revised and updated to address the extensive development of common law jurisprudence that has emerged in the recent period. In particular, the text succinctly analyses the complex body of case law developments within the spheres of corporate governance, insider trading and business rescue, and provides a chapter that addresses the winding up and deregistration of companies.
The text explains the law relating to corporate finance with an interdisciplinary (legal, accounting and management accounting) approach, and situates discussion of the recently promulgated Financial Markets Act 19 of 2012 within the context of insider trading and financial markets.
- The text is comprehensively updated to reflect relevant cases and developments.
- It offers a clear pedagogical structure that supports effective learning and independent engagement with the subject matter.
- The book includes a comprehensive glossary of terms, and new, automated marking formative assessment questions are available to students for self-assessment.
- Additional, expanded problem-based assessment resources are available to lecturers, together with full teaching presentation material.
Part 1: Companies
1Introduction: The Companies Act 71 of 2008
2Legal personality, types of company, and company formation
3Groups of companies
4Corporate finance: equity, debt instruments and distributions
5Shareholders and company meetings
6Directors and board committees
7Company records and financial statements
8Securities registration and transfer
9Public offerings of company securities
10Fundamental transactions and takeovers
11Insider trading
12Business rescue proceedings and compromises
13Audit, independent review, audit committees and the company secretary
14Remedies, enforcement agencies and alternative dispute resolution
15The winding-up and deregistration of companies
Part 2: Close Corporations
16Close corporations
Part 3: Partnerships
Part 4: Business trusts
18Business trusts
Part 5: Financial markets
19Financial markets
Companies and other Business Structures in South Africa is suitable as a core text for students who are studying company law as a module of the BCom, BCompt, BAcc (Accounting) programmes, or of the LLB degree.