Part 1: Speed and Accuracy Development: Introduction
1Hardware and softwar requirements
2Correct sitting posture and typeing techniques
3Correcting spelling and grammar errors
Part 2: Speed and accuracy
1Understanding exam instructions
2Practise timed speed and accuracy activities
Part 3: Maunuscript and proofreading signs
1Methods of indicating document corrections
2Manuscript signs
3Practise working with manuscript signs
Part 4: Word Processing: Introduction
1Examination tips for producing documents
Part 5: Business letters
1The format of business letters
2Pracise typing business letters
3Bilingual business letters
Part 6: Official circulars on letterheads
1The format of official circulars
2Pracise typing official circulars and letterheads
Part 7: Ciculars and letters for the promotion of sales
1The format of circulars adn letters for the promotion of sales
2Practise typing circulars and letters for the promotion of sales
Part 8: Speeches and lectures
1The format of speeches and lectures
2Practise typing speeches and lectures
Part 9: Formal invitations
1The format of formal invitations
2Practise typing formal invitations
Part 10: Drafting of letters
1Guidelines for drafing short business letters
2Practise drafing short business letters
Part 11: Agendas and notices of meetings
1The format of agendas and notices of meetings
2Practise typing agendas na notices of meetings
Part 12: Minutes
1The format of minutes
2Practise typing minutes
Part 13: Reports
1The format of reports
2Practise typing reports
Part 14: Programmes
1The format of programmes
2Practise typing programmes
Part 15: Financial statements
1The format of financial statements
2Practise typing financial statements
Part 16: Tabular statements
1The format of tabular statements
2Practise typng tabular statements
Part 17: Typing documents in African Languages
1Practise typing documents in African languages
Part 18: Introduction to audio transription
1Hardware and software requirements
2Transcription techniques
3Understanding audio instruction
Part 19: Audio activities
1Practise audio transcription
Part 20: Practice examination
1Complete an examination paper