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Marketing Tourism in South Africa offers a solid foundation in marketing theory applied to the unique context of the tourism industry in South Africa. This updated edition is a definitive source for universities, universities of technology and colleges where courses in Tourism Marketing and Event Marketing are offered as part of a National Diploma in Tourism, a BCom (Tourism) or a Postgraduate Diploma in Tourism & Events Management.

Marketing Tourism in South Africa offers a solid foundation in marketing theory applied to the unique context of the tourism industry in South Africa. This updated edition is a definitive source for universities, universities of technology and colleges where courses in Tourism Marketing and Event Marketing are offered as part of a National Diploma in Tourism, a BCom (Tourism) or a Postgraduate Diploma in Tourism & Events Management.


  • Numerous case studies illustrate how epidemiological principles have been applied to research questions in South Africa.
  • Information boxes highlight important topics in each chapter.
  • Clear tables and diagrams support the text. Concise appendices cover the difficult topics of standardisation and sample size calculation.
  • Useful web sites and suggested readings encourage further learning.

Section A Introducing research and epidemiology
1Why do epidemiological research? A South African perspective
2Key concepts in epidemiology
3Research ethics, human rights, and community participation
Section B Epidemiological research methods and protocol development
4Planning a research project
5Setting objectives
6Literature review
7Study design
8Population and sampling
9Data collection and measurement
Section C Data presentation, analysis and interpretation
10Exploring, summarising and presenting data
11Analysing and interpreting data
12Precision and validity: error, bias and confounding
13Traditional leadership institutions
Section D Applications of epidemiology
14Health information and surveillance
15Burden of disease and mortality studies
16Social epidemiology
17Infectious disease and epidemiology
18Outbreak investigation
19Non-communicable disease epidemiology
20Environmental epidemiology
21Occupational epidemiology
22Measuring disability
23Mental health epidemiology
24Nutritional surveys
25Clinical epidemiology
Section E Other research methodologies
26Health systems research
27Qualitative research methodology: an introduction
Appendix I Standardisation (adjustment) of rates
Appendix II Random number table
Appendix III Sample size calculation
Students enrolled in Tourism Marketing courses as part of a BCom (Tourism), a National Diploma (Tourism) or a certificate course at a private college. Tourism practitioners.
Marketing Tourism in SA 5e - Instructor's Manual
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Marketing Tourism in SA 5e - PowerPoint Slides
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  • Marketing Tourism in South Africa 5e (OP)

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